Moulding Zones
Vidar Superior, a specially developed cast steel for superior fracture resistance. Complies with the most stringent regulations of NADCA.
For conventional applications, Orvar Supreme (ESR) has proven industry durability and longevity.
When optimizing the cycles by increasing the average working temperature, the QRO90 Supreme, with its enviable thermal fatigue resistance, hot wear resistance and high thermal conductivity, is the natural choice.
Unimax is the solution when abrasive wear resistance is paramount. Whether it's hot or cold, Unimax guarantees an increase in tool longevity.
Dievar is synonymous with solution. When all else fails, Dievar solves it.
With unparalleled toughness, ductility that dramatically reduced risk of cracking, in combination with thermal conductivity and high strength, it is the ideal steel for your most complicated tools.