Blades, Knives and Hammers
In the case of tools that work with metallic waste, we must use Vanadis 4Extra when we need good toughness, excellent adhesive wear and high hardness, Sleipner for applications with the requirement of toughness and abrasive wear, Unimax for its excellent toughness and resistance to fragmentation. When there is contamination by stones and/or other materials other than metal, Caldie, when we want high toughness in a low volume application, Orvar Supreme, with its excellent resistance to fragmentation and Dievar, with its unique resistance to fragmentation.
If we want to recycle plastic waste, Orvar 2M is a safe choice, Elmax, when plastics are corrosive and abrasive, Vanadis 4Extra, when high resistance to abrasive wear and ductility is required and Vanadis 10, for high volume and abrasive wear applications.
For paper waste, Caldie is the best solution.
When it comes to tires, Sleipner in case of cutting/fragmentation without metal parts, Unimax when there is rubber and metal in the process, Caldie in cutting/fragmentation without metallic parts and reduced volume, and Vanadis 4Extra for large volumes.
In particular cases such as batteries, Stavax is the ideal steel given its resistance to corrosion.