The aim was to provide the participants with tools to enable them to carry out a more sustained analysis of both the suitability of the raw material and the production methods to the intended final result. The main target groups were essentially three working groups: tool manufacturers, design offices and end users. These were divided into four functional areas for each of the training topics. Thus, for each group of recipients we had the appropriateness of the themes for Cold Work, Hot Work, Plastic Moulds and Light Alloy Moulds. Having been given the last training module on 20 October, we can say that this training model was a success. Not only due to the number of participants (232) and number of companies (33), but also due to the diverse range of competencies/functions of the trainees: - Production/process collaborators - Maintenance collaborators - Responsible for the design of tools - Responsible for the purchasing department with respect to the feedback of the participants, here are the results of the surveys: “/imagem/gráfico%201%20.JPG.png" For the team of Ramada Aços that was involved in this process, it was rewarding to see the level of enthusiasm and participation in the participation of the modules. In this way, the training modules will continue in 2017. In January 2017, the Ramada Aços Academy will begin the year of training based on the themes of 2016, such as fault mechanisms, heat treatments, steel selection, tool designs and production problems. With the creation of the Ramada Aços Academy, we intend to continue our commitment to partnering with customers, making your business more profitable and competitive. We thank the participants and we look forward to seeing you in the training room in 2017! If you would like more information about the sessions that took place in 2016, see the "/imagem/Ciclo%20de%20Formações%20Ramada%20Aços.pdf". Soon the 2017 plan will be announced. Training Cycle of the Ramada Aços Academy. For further information or registration do not hesitate to contact us via email at or by phone on +351 256 580 519.